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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Top Geography Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing Shirt

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 It is one of those sentences that makes you think about it. What is a Barbie? Why would anyone want to put shrimps on it? How come that everything except for the "den" is grammatically correct (even though it is a complex sentence)? Really a fascinating sentence. It's a google translatian of what Jim Carrey said to an Austrian girl in the movie Dumb & Dumber. She said she was from Austria, he thought that was the same as Australia, so in an australian accent he said "let's put another shrimp on the barbie!" Which, at the time, was sort of an australian stereotype here in the states. Buy it:  Top Geography Teachers 2020 The One Where They Was Quarantined Social Distancing Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Wonderful I Want This Is Boo Sheet Shirt

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 Don't thank me, thank the countless soldiers who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, much less the enemy. Also, all of the bullshit Trump has pulled with the USPS is like a Pokemon that uses Sand Attack 20 times against you, then proceeds to Tackle or Struggle until it wins or faints. Final Fantasy Tactics and Hearthstone helped me understand this stuff better.  If something has a 12.5% (one in eight) chance of happening, then it's totally normal for it to happen. I wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. Buy it:  Wonderful I Want This Is Boo Sheet Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Top Eleven Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt

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 According to 538, Trump has an approximately 30% chance of winning the election. That sounds low, but that's approximately the same percentage he had back in 2015 and obviously he won. So while I don't think we should ignore the polls, or fall into despair, we also have to be cautious and like everyone else is saying get out and vote. Yup. I've voted early for the last couple of years, and its so easy. Just walk in, and vote. Thats my plan. I'm not bothering to request a mail in ballot. Just voting early. Buy it:  Top Eleven Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Nice Disco Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt

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 BTW, I watched the RNC coverage yesterday and the amount of pandering to the religious (Christian) sector is fucking disgusting. Do these people also not remember the separation between church and state? Are they even fucking Americans at all? Rant over.  Jokes on the Republican party, I'm a registered Republican. They can't interfere with my voting for Biden if they think I'm voting trump. Buy it:  Nice Disco Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Hot FedEx Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt

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 Just so you know, have a backup plan. Especially if you vote Democrat. I've been registered for 6 years in the same house. Officially removed from voting once. I've now asked for 6 mail in ballots and received 0. I started asking in December, its now August. If the day comes, and you have no ballot, go in person. Ive told this story before and everyone calls it voter fraud or say Republicans are trying to make it so I can't vote. I still don't think this is proof enough. Buy it:  Hot FedEx Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Cute Donald Trump Don Claude Van Damme Shirt

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 I don't understand Ohioans. I'm from Cleveland there is very little support for Trump here. And im guessing its the same in all the major cities. But drive 30min outside the city and you would think you're in the south. Wannabe rednecks with Confederate flags on their truck. It just always blows my mind how there's such a large cultural gap in this state I grew up in Ohio and spent 20 years in Alabama. Remove the accent and it’s exactly the same. I can’t even speak to my parents without them gushing about Trump. It makes me physically ill Buy it:  Cute Donald Trump Don Claude Van Damme Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Wonderful I Want Lottery Loser Shirt

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 Just got my license. I am the second youngest in my friend group and the first one to be able to legally drive alone.  Yesterday I went to the grocery store, and I have real food stocked in my room now. Fully feel blessed. Having food in my cupboards is always the most peaceful feeling. Even if I'm not hungry that second opening up the cupboard and seeing things I can eat tomorrow or next week even is so nice. This got me feeling so grateful for things i take for granted. Thank you Buy it:  Wonderful I Want Lottery Loser Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

High Quality Joe And The Hoe Shirt

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 That I get paid tomorrow so I can finally go do some groceries. It’s been a rough week. It’s kind of the only thing keeping me going right now. Edit: thanks for the kind words guys. I’m not starving enough to ask for help right now I’ll be fine tomorrow. Just knowing there’s other people out there who get it is enough.  ive read every message! thank you all for the kind messages and it really means a lot to me that people are offering advice and requesting me to text them if i have questions. seriously thank you so much Buy it:  High Quality Joe And The Hoe Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Great Weeze Hart An Der Grenze Aber Nicht Holland Shirt

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 And for giving their son some work. I’m assuming he’s too young to work at a restaurant or something. I remember mowing lawns and delivering papers at that age. good life experience for a kid. Daughter called me after her appointment to confirm. I'm now shopping for college savings accounts My fiance was my first bf. I was 22 and he was 23. Also I was his first girlfriend. Hope you find happiness in life. Wish you the best! Never too late! I got my second girlfriend at 22, and that’s not exactly a lot of experience either, but it didn’t matter. Buy it: Great Weeze Hart An Der Grenze Aber Nicht Holland Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Cute Baby Stitch I Need A Hug A Glass Of Whisky Shirt

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 When he was done she asked if his mom's car was running, to which he replied they hadn't even tried to start it. My wife asked if i would take him home and take a look at the car. I did so, and it was just a matter of low radiator fluid, but that mom had been afraid to mess something up. I filled the radiator and overflow tank, had them start the car, and hung out till the car warmed to operating temp. No biggie, but they were both so thrilled to have it running again, and be able to drive for groceries, it still has me happy hours later. Buy it:  Cute Baby Stitch I Need A Hug A Glass Of Whisky Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Cool Baby Yoda Hug Pumpkin Happy Quar O Teen Halloween Shirt

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 South Texas. The standard backyard birds here are sparrows, house finches, Carolina wrens, cardinals, mockingbirds, golden-fronted woodpeckers, blue jays, grackles, white-winged doves and Inca doves. Wow. I’m British and here we normally get pigeons, blue tits, robins, blackbirds and squirrels.  ok I’m starting to realise that many of you have never heard of tit birds. In Britain we have: Blue tits, Great tits, Long tailed tits plus others that I can’t remember right now lol. Buy it:  Cool Baby Yoda Hug Pumpkin Happy Quar O Teen Halloween Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Wonder Ful Wear A Mask Like A Hero Shirt

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 Check out your local PD. See how many crimes they actually solve. In most jurisdictions the rate is abysmal. I’m pretty sure quality police work isn’t a priority for most departments.  I learned from watching The Wire that police depts that are just after number of arrests will arrest and harass more people. How could this have been avoided? The cops should have never been hired, they are clearly racists, with low IQs that need to be shoveling shit at farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Buy it:  Wonder Ful Wear A Mask Like A Hero Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Super Nice Snoopy Face Mask No Yes Shirt

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 Fucking disgusting, I was shocked and appalled by how Floyd was treated and subsequently murdered for being delirious, but watching the Elijah video, and reading the reports made me cry so hard. That poor kid, absolutely abhorrent behaviour from any human, but supposed enforcers of law? I'm at a loss for words.  But somehow they managed to arrest the guy who shot up a movie theater without laying a finger on him... I wonder what was different about him. Buy it:  Super Nice Snoopy Face Mask No Yes Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Premium I Like Joe Biden No Malarkey 2020 Shirt

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 I remember when Elijah McClain’s murder went viral and the cops that killed him suffered no consequences. When protestors came out for a peaceful vigil, police dressed in riot gear and fired tear gas at violinists. And the police response to Elijah McClain was to recreate his murder and joke about it via text?? With this much gross, malicious incompetence, it’s not even enough to just fire the officers involved. The culture of protecting these ‘bad Apple’ officers is too toxic; the whole department should be scrapped and reformed Buy it:  Premium I Like Joe Biden No Malarkey 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Happy Im Done Adulting Lets Go To Halloween Town Shirt

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 Not to mention Elijah McClain. You would think after that, they'd be more careful with how they treat people. Or maybe, it showed them they're untouchable and can get away with anything... Yeah no, they're convinced people are just unfairly picking on them and they should be entitled to use as much force as they want. The whole police reaction to protests over specific murders has been just shameless violence, at which point the protest becomes about your local police being shitheads too. Buy it:  Happy Im Done Adulting Lets Go To Halloween Town Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Attractive No More Stolen Sisters Peace Love Justice Shirt

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 I'm from Colorado. Born and raised here. Aurora PD is a seething cesspool and among the worst in the country. In just this past year alone, one officer was found so fucking drunk he was passed out behind the wheel of his squad car. Tested 5x the legal limit. Department covered it up for him by classifying it as a medical emergency, not a crime. Instead of bringing charges, they suppressed it, internal affairs investigated and he got a minimal suspension. Another officer was shithoused and literally ran her car into a fucking wall and was arrested by state patrol.  Buy it:  Attractive No More Stolen Sisters Peace Love Justice Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Delicate I’m A Miami Redskins Fan Who Graduated From Miami University Shirt

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 I'm being a little bit tongue in cheek. I'm saying if you went to the doctor for the test, you would pay something, despite it allegedly being free. And if you looked at the itemized list of expenses, there would be a bunch, but on that list, the test itself is free. The evaluation, the taking of the test, the things needed to take the test, that's what you pay for.It depends. Where I am, in Wisconsin, anyone can get tested for free at anytime. But you have to go to the community testing center and potentially have a long wait. The National Guard is administering it. Buy it: Delicate I’m A Miami Redskins Fan Who Graduated From Miami University Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Fantastic I Hate People Jeep Moon Halloween Shirt

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 Next you're going to tell us she got to take a year off from work after having kids and got some compensation for it...I think dads get an additional two months now as well, in addition to any maternity leave taken.I think I could have claimed it on my taxes, yeah. Not sure about 100% reimbursement. Either way I'm not complaining! My doctor sat there and encouraged me to get a wart removed because it wouldn't be any trouble or cost me a dime. I hadn't even brought it up. Went to the ER last year for what turned out to be kidney stones. 12 hours there, an MRI, an ultrasound, snacks and a sandwich. Only paid for parking (20 bucks ish?) Buy it: Fantastic I Hate People Jeep Moon Halloween Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Great Heroes Come And Go But Legends Are Forever 24 Kobe Bryant Basketball Shirt

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 I don't know any Canadians, but I did think my Minnesotan friend in high school sounded "Canadian". You might be on to something!  I'm soorey Julian! How was I supposed to know that getting real fucked up last night with Bubbles was gonna end up with my house in your yard? Random story time. Many moons ago, like 15 years or so, I was on my way to a Oilers game on a Saturday night with some friends, taking the train to the old Northlands Coliseum. My one buddy had gotten a new phone that allowed you to customize your ring tone (yes, it was that long ago). He told me to call him while we were on the train, which was full of people also going to the game. Buy it:  Great Heroes Come And Go But Legends Are Forever 24 Kobe Bryant Basketball Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Luxury Hocus Pocus Sandersons Est 1993 Salem Massachusetts I Put A Spell On You Shirt

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 I have family in Wisconsin who have similar accents. Roof is "ruff," car is "Cahr" with the r pronounced at the back of the throat, almost like German.  The message on our answering machine at the cottage says we are busy or out in a boat. The only time I hear a stereotypical Canadian accent is when talking to someone from Wisconsin. But I'm in Vancouver, and accents cease to exist on this side. AH! I just commented about this. I have family in WI and their accents are more Canadian. That's because we all actually say 'aboat'. But, midwestern Americans hear their version as 'aboot.' Buy it: Luxury Hocus Pocus Sandersons Est 1993 Salem Massachusetts I Put A Spell On You Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Perfect I Just Want To Drink Beer And Watch Hockey And Take Naps Shirt

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 I thought that too. Then I entered the Ottawa valley its fascinating the number of people both confirming and completely denying this. I guess one thing to note is that obviously it's not as exaggerated as South Park when people day it, but it's still there. It's like any accent when being mocked, obviously done over the top but a toned down version does exist Yup. Me too. Grew up in Alberta/BC, thought they were a myth. Went to university with a kid from Ottawa and he definitely said "hoose" and "aboot". Buy it:   Perfect I Just Want To Drink Beer And Watch Hockey And Take Naps Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Super Nice I Have Let’em Sleep Shirt

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Let me guess, bare shiny metal 60 percent of the pan, and a wall of scrapped telfon that your brain chose to not question since it would mean admitting you probably have a stomach lined with Teflon My old roommate used to make ramen in MY nonstick pots and used a metal fork to constantly stir the pot. She thought she had to stir the ramen constantly as it cooked, and succeeded in ruining my pots. I tried to tell her to 1) don’t use my pot 2) don’t use a fork and 3) AT LEAST WASH UP AFTER YOURSELF!! People who use glass cutting boards, especially the textured ones. I would rather dice carrots on my own scrotum than use a glass cutting board. Buy it:  Super Nice I Have Let’em Sleep Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Premium Amir Garrett Mlbpa Tee Shirt

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 Watching people abuse or neglect good knives is unnerving, wasted zest and fond makes me sad, but it straight up bothers me when people crowd the pan and end up steaming what's inside instead of browning it That last one. My mother in law's fried chicken is a doughy awful mess. Using metal utensils in non stick pots & pans, scratching them to hell so they are no longer non stick therefore defeating the purpose of a non stick pan. And then continuing to use that abused pan for years or decades. My parents used the same t-fal pan for almost 20 years, and it was not non-stick for most of that time. Buy it:  Premium Amir Garrett Mlbpa Tee Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Official Im Not Mean Im Just A Fan Of Brutal Shirt

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 If I'm cooking. I have very strong feelings for when anyone does anything to the stove, unless I specifically ask them. Don't toss the veggies in the frying pan. Don't flip the steak in the pan. Don't fucking touch it! I'm most likely trying to get a specific color, texture, cook done on that item, and I may have even tossed the pan a few seconds ago, so you doing it again now means that the "side" it was on isn't going to get cooked properly now. If you see something possibly burning, bring it to my attention, otherwise, stay away from my pans! Buy it:  Official Im Not Mean Im Just A Fan Of Brutal Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Important I Can See Lamoriello Trotz 2020 Shirt

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My roommate's ex was a demon at this. she always assumed she knew better "cause i grew up cooking with my grandma" who must have been one of those scorch the bastard and only season it at the end types. i had been a line cook for over 5 years at that point and it infuriated me. one time she even changed the temp on our fridge to as low as possible and destroyed all the produce. their relationship didn't last much longer. Wait, what? Just the idea that anyone would adjust cooking anything without checking with the cook, unless it's literally burning or causing disaster.... Buy it:  Important I Can See Lamoriello Trotz 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Attractive Let Russ Cook T Shirt Seattle Football Shirt

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 When people fuck with the timer/burner when I’m cooking. I had some tomato sauce going at a nice even simmer, but apparently someone else in my household thought it should be boiling like pasta water, so they jacked up the temp to high and added more time to the timer... I almost want to down vote it it's so infuriating. Never happened with pasta sauce, but I've lost many bean dishes to this. Set it to a nice temp for slow boil to hydrate the beans (I prefer dried to canned.And the texture from slow boiling compared to soaking), walk away for a few minutes, walk back in to the smell of burning, the beans on high, and things splashed all over the stove. Buy it:  Attractive Let Russ Cook T Shirt Seattle Football Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Top Some Women Do Knitting And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Women Shirt

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 Freedom is a two-edged sword of which one edge is liberty and the other responsibility, on which both edges are exceedingly sharp; and which is not easily handled by casual, cowardly or treacherous hands. Yeah, the report I read said three fellow protesters were hit by a "trainee" protester. Maybe don't give the trainees bullets... This undermines the movement to an extreme degree.  I saw a picture of her killer living it up in the beach not too long ago. Idk how people can devalue life enough to just be over it and at a beach chilling so quickly. I know right? When I was in Afghanistan there were tons of justified shootings, but you could tell that the soldiers involved always had hard time dealing with it. Buy it:  Top Some Women Do Knitting And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Women Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Sweet Turtle I Am So Grumpy I Am Not Even Talking To Myself Shirt

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I'm all for people being armed and protesting, but one of them negligently discharged their firearm shooting themselves and at least one other person near them. They also had to stop their march early on to be told not to aim their firearms anywhere but the ground. Not good.  If you’re going to carry a gun, do it responsibly. I don’t care if you’re open carrying protesting for social justice or open carrying protesting to open a damn Applebee’s wearing a MAGA hat. Carry the gun safely or don’t own guns at all! When you give a population freedom you need to also remind them what comes with it: Buy it: Sweet Turtle I Am So Grumpy I Am Not Even Talking To Myself Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Hot Elephants Autism Mother And Son Love Needs No Word Cancer Awareness Shirt

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 The world is objectively the safest it’s ever been in human history right now. It’s seems like shit is going crazy, but according to the numbers the Earth is still the safest it’s ever been (for people, not rainforests or animals or anything).  This is the black supremacist group NFAC. They are not to be celebrated. They are anti semites who admire Hitler and want to establish a black only ethno state in the US. These groups have been around for decades, so like pre-80's. Think of a type of hate and some group of assholes will have formed a club for it. And the field day the media would have if the white people that protested with their guns shot 3 of their own protesters Buy it:  Hot Elephants Autism Mother And Son Love Needs No Word Cancer Awareness Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Good I Like Beer And Cornhole And Maybe 3 People Vintage Retro Shirt

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 And one time they blew up their own house in NYC on accident, killing 3 members. I believe it was the house of one of the member's parents. It's also a good response when people say things are way more violent now than in the past. Just bring up the serial killers, bombers, assassinations, and shootings of the '60s and '70s And now the people from the heyday of lead paint are [still] running our country. Yee haw  And leaded petrol funes that many people were breathing in from car exhausts. Buy it: Good I Like Beer And Cornhole And Maybe 3 People Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Beautiful No Justice No Peace Vintage Retro Shirt

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Yeah I wish people realized that this is NFAC and their leader is super anti Semitic. Basically like NOI and KKK. However I’m still all for them having an armed peaceful protest as long as they’re not shooting people or themselves of course. Is this the game group that had the accidental shooting sending 3 of them to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries? Yeah everyone needs to be trained on gun safety. If not then you probably shouldn’t be protesting with guns. These times are reminding me of the 1960s/70s with groups like the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, and others. Buy it:  Beautiful No Justice No Peace Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Top Black Cat Grandma Murder Coffee Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Retro Shirt

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 In Apples guidelines it is stated which apps are reader apps and which are not. Email is not a reader App. It counts as a Service since the user is not only reading mails he is also answering etc. Also, the B2B rule is still unwritten. It is still not in the guidelines even though Apple reps referred to it during the Hey debate. Only "business database" is in there, but clearly there are apps that are not that, but are B2B and allowed without IAP. So Hey knew in advance that their app is in a grey area where it is highly possible that their app won’t count as reader app. They knew it was a gray area, but there was a clear precedent - FastMail had been there for years under exactly the same circumstances. Email service, no signup in the app, paid subscription from web signup, nothing but a login screen on launch. Buy it:  Top Black Cat Grandma Murder Coffee Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt...

Pro Chickens Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Knitting And Was Born In August Shirt

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 Can you give me more insight with what happened with hey? I thought they were able to avoid paying Apple the 30 percent cut somehow They did, they're not paying the 30% cut. You have to sign up via their website. Hey's app basically opened up to a log-in screen with little else. That's against App Store rules, except if you're a 'Reader' app, or a B2B (Business-to-Business) app. Netflix is a 'Reader' app, but Apple decided that Hey wasn't. After some back-and-forth's, Apple recommended that Hey add a free trial function to their app, so that users could use it without having to sign up on the website. Hey did that, and now they're back. Buy it:  Pro Chickens Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Knitting And Was Born In August Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Nice UFO Get In Loser We’re Going Camping Vintage Retro Shirt

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 Infinity blade, Gears of War, Unreal Tournament, they made some extremely iconic games that they abandoned entirely because fortnite makes them money. Epic wanted better margins and thought they could get them via a lawsuit. Epic knew they would be turning the relationship adversarial well in advance. They want their own App Store too. Like the mess that is the PC/Mac paradigm. “Install our launcher!”  Anyone who thinks Apple will eventually capitulate is in for a surprise. Apple didn't capitulate to Hey, Hey *chose* to comply to App Store guidelines. Remember that e-book antitrust suit? Apple fought it to the bitter end, even after all the publishers settled. This will go the same way, Apple is not going to relent when it thinks it's in the right. Buy it:  Nice UFO Get In Loser We’re Going Camping Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Hot Apple Face Mask I Can’t Mask My Excitement That You’re Here Shirt

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 Yeah, I feel you on this one. We just need a swarm of people to start playing UT99 again. I crave new BunnyTrack maps! I can still do work with that sniper on Facing WorldsSo does this mean the Infinity Blade series is gone for good? Like tough love deal with it? :( I've been on Android for years but Infinity Blade was my favourite back during my iPhone 4 days. Battle Breakers came out after fortnite Spyjinx is also another one theyve got in development  Wow, it's been so long I had no idea that epic is the same company that made fortnite. Infinity blade was incredible when it came out. Buy it:  Hot Apple Face Mask I Can’t Mask My Excitement That You’re Here Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Cute Never Underestimate An Old Woman Who Loves Wine And Fox Terrier Shirt

Hình ảnh
So it’s like EA 2.0. I had mass effect infiltrator and deadspace but they audio stopped working after an iOS update after EA removed them from the store. It would be nice if apple had some sort of legacy support or emulation for old software that no longer works under their new iOS versions. That’s the real rip that nobody seems to complain about. so it’s like EA 2.0. I had mass effect infiltrator and deadspace but they audio stopped working after an iOS update after EA removed them from the store. It would be nice if apple had some sort of legacy support or emulation for old software that no longer works under their new iOS versions. That’s the real rip that nobody seems to complain about. Buy it:  Cute Never Underestimate An Old Woman Who Loves Wine And Fox Terrier Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Top Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Ride A Motorcycle Vintage Retro Shirt

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 I still don’t think that would be correct bc then it would be fucked everybody. Late 90s or early 2000s actually As a 36 year old I am always getting confused at old photos. I can tell a picture from the 70s. But 90s pictures look like 70s pictures to me if they are not side by side... I just turned 40 a few days ago. the 90s still feel like yesterday and I don't feel 40. But I guess it helps I've had health issues my whole life, so the ones I have now are old hat, but I mean mentally I don't feel 40. I still feel like a kid who doesn't know what the hell they're doing most of the time. In my 50s, and I can differentiate any photos before mid-90s. After that, not so much. 1999 looks like 2019 to me.  Buy it:  Top Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Ride A Motorcycle Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Pro Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Ride Go Sailing Vintage Retro Shirt

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  These days I think even Lindsay Lohan herself would be wanting to swap away her body for someone else's. Time and craziness have not been kind to her.  Her parents' and Hollywood's opportunism, her addiction issues and her neglected mental health have not been kind to her. Oh, I’m sorry. She was beautiful and looks like she had a good sense of humor. I thought she looked around 40 in the picture, that’s why I asked. So young. Sorry you lost her way too soon but sounds like she made most of her time w you! That feel when you realise you're older than OP's grandma in this pic. Buy it:  Pro Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Ride Go Sailing Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Nice Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Do Yoga Vintage Retro Shirt

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E veryone in the photo is wearing black and white except the person who is handing out a box of flowers. they are probably not even a guest at the wedding even, so I do think you're probably right about the woman having been requested to wear black or white.  Ok, so I had the same reaction. Vogue says that it's a generational/cultural thing. Some people care, typically older generations, some people don't care, typically younger people.  Older folks in my family complain about me wearing black at all, let alone to a wedding. Maybe I don't want to do multiple loads of laundry, ever think about that, Margaret?? I think it’s considered too funeral to wear full black. I used to have a couple of staple black and white floral dresses to wear to weddings. Nice enough without being fancy. Buy it:  Nice Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Do Yoga Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Hot Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Play Tennis Vintage Retro Shirt

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  Yup my dad’s mother did this at my parent’s wedding and cried the whole time like it was a funeral. At the reception she berated him for not picking a woman she h ad chosen for him. In front of my mom. Mom still hates her. Bride doesn't really have a clear enough expression to say with any certainty what she's thinking, and even if she did, it's always incredibly easy to see what you want to see in photos.  You're assuming the worst because of how you'd personally react to someone dressed like that at your wedding, and you're projecting that onto the photo.  Who's taking the photo? Your grandpa? Your aunt is probably face palming like "Ugh...guys...come on. It's my wedding. Just...all right?"  To be fair, if those are the bridesmaids around the bride, it might have been a black and white themed wedding, and the bride might have requested the family to dress accordingly so the photos were monochromatic. That seems to have been a thing in the 9...

Cute Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Play Volleyball Vintage Retro Shirt

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  While it initially looks like it, zooming in you can see camera dirt and grain etc, it looks more like a case of the hat being too big for her head, probably borrowing it from a male attendant with a bigger head than hers.  Just kind of a dick move vs. Badass.  If you don’t support the marriage or want to celebrate then don’t go. The couple invites you and you act like a dick or as a distraction. IMO that makes grandma a POS. (Not knowing the context bc of course it could have been totally cool with everyone bc that’s how the family likes it.) That’s interesting. I’d not heard that. My Step mom is old school formal and attending our wedding in one outfit (light colored) and then had to change before the reception because it was evening. Buy it: Cute Some Grandmas Play Bingo Real Grandmas Play Volleyball Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Wonderful I Want Sunflower Texas Flag Shirt

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 Can I use this picture? It’s no Wonderful I Want Sunflower Texas Flag Shirt for posting, I want a screensaver for my phone, and the flower that grew out of concrete is my complete aesthetic Not being rude or anything but is it the norm to ask for permission to use a pic as a screensaver? My current screensaver is a pic someone posted on a subreddit. No, it’s not the norm. Really you can just grab any picture from anywhere and use it as a screensaver it’s not like anyone would know. But that also makes it worth noting, to me at least, that someone took the extra step to ask OP to use the picture which also shows they appreciate it for its artistic merit. Buy it:  Wonderful I Want Sunflower Texas Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Pro Skeleton Diabetes It’s Not A Disability It’s A Different Ability Halloween Shirt

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 The number of Pro Skeleton Diabetes It’s Not A Disability It’s A Different Ability Halloween Shirt people who think that being in a wheelchair is a binary of being able to walk or not being able to walk is wild. Especially since I’m sure they understand the concept of limited mobility in elderly people who need walkers and canes for light exercise but a wheelchair for more strenuous stuff. But as soon as it’s someone under the age of 70 they forget that’s an option. This is so weird but so real. Elderly people who walked with canes used to yell at my girlfriend for using a cane because she was “too young” to be using it. Yep. I have an AI disease and have needed a cane on rare occasions. Buy it:  Pro Skeleton Diabetes It’s Not A Disability It’s A Different Ability Halloween Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Premium I Like Vote Alpha Phi Alpha Shirt

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 I think you are Premium I Like Vote Alpha Phi Alpha Shirt thinking of the guy who said he has done more for black people than anyone since Abraham Lincoln. It’s funny isn’t it, how he exhibits all the hallmarks of a weak man. Afraid of confrontation, obsessed with his image, emotional decision making, infidelity, etc., but due to the ingrained societal value of Might is Right, people still see him as strong. That’s unfair to assholes. They have biological purposes and, on top of that, can feel quite pleasurable! Herr Idjit’s more like a gaping wound oozing blood: unwanted, unneeded, and, one way or another, eventually destined to resolve itself. Buy it:  Premium I Like Vote Alpha Phi Alpha Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Happy Stux 50th Anniversary 1970 2020 Signatures Shirt

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 Dark days. Gameboy running Happy Stux 50th Anniversary 1970 2020 Signatures Shirt outta batteries and blowing on cartridges. No internet. Are you really referencing some obscure Sears commercial from the nineties? Omg. Kindred spirits we are. That guy had great hair and the wife was super cute. I’d just call collect and say “Come get me” and hang up. I always thought a good Drag Queen name would be Manita. And the queen’s song would be “what here she comes, watch out boy she’ll chew you up. Whoa here she comes, she’s a MANILA” I know that guy. He was my roommate in freshman year of college. He listens to too much Dave Matthews, but he’s otherwise legit Buy it:  Happy Stux 50th Anniversary 1970 2020 Signatures Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Beautiful Sunflower Maryland Flag Shirt

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 The allies. It would be Beautiful Sunflower Maryland Flag Shirt China, Russia, and their little poverty assets vs the rest of the world’s superpowers. It would be an ass whipping. Putin is crazy enough to take it nuclear though. Ah well. At least future generations will learn how the German army liberated the concentration camps in Texas lmao I always thought Vlad and Ivan was just a western slang for Russian, much like how Jerry was slang for German during WW2. I didn’t know Vlad and Vova had a specific name attached to it. Interesting! Not sure if Putin will really stand behind Alexander Lukashenko. Buy it:  Beautiful Sunflower Maryland Flag Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Sweet Plan For The Day Coffee Pickleball Wine Shirt

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 Having a social media Sweet Plan For The Day Coffee Pickleball Wine Shirt presence, and plastering every aspect of your life on it, are 2 totally different things IMO. That represents 2 totally different prioritizations of what is important in life, (among other things like narcissistic tendencies). I’ve been down that road multiple times. Each time, regretted it and wondered why I didn’t see the red flags. I’m totally fine with people having social media, I just think the amount of importance they place on it relative to the other things in their life says a lot about a person. The only social media I use is Reddit but I understand that many people are just in the social media world. Buy it:  Sweet Plan For The Day Coffee Pickleball Wine Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Pretty I Am A Simple Man Boobs Beer Hockey Shirt

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 Essentially you paint with the Pretty I Am A Simple Man Boobs Beer Hockey Shirt trailing bristles of the brush, instead of what people usually do when they try to paint with the leading edge. I learned to do it recently from YouTube because I am currently painting my house. So now I paint without taping off because once you learn to cut, painters tape is not necessary. Your lines are straight, not because you have surgeon levels of stability in your hands, but because the technique works. No, I worked at a rink all through high school. The majority of arenas are ice> on paint> on ice > on concrete. Buy it:  Pretty I Am A Simple Man Boobs Beer Hockey Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Official Bass Guitar I Destroy Silence Vintage Retro Shirt

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 The right has been told Official Bass Guitar I Destroy Silence Vintage Retro Shirt that the protestors are the bad guys who have been doing nothing but bringing and looting city blocks. They’ve been careful to only show video of buildings burning when covering the protests. This is why you won’t see them complain about what is happening in Portland, to them it’s America taking back the streets from crazy anarchists. Another guy replying here mentioned the issue of cognitive dissonance which is a great point as well and goes far to explain why the more testing explanation is so appealing. Right-wing media has convinced so many people that coronavirus is just a democratic hoax, so when they see the numbers increasing it contradicts the message they have been shown. Buy it:  Official Bass Guitar I Destroy Silence Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt

Happy When The Dm Smiles It’s Already Too Late Vintage Retro Shirt

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 If we just let them Happy When The Dm Smiles It’s Already Too Late Vintage Retro Shirt washes over those areas and blame their governors instead of trying to contain it right away? We’ve learned nothing from history.  Now there are disasters almost as bad in America, and enablers are still feeding Trump only the fake good news. this, one of the two skills Trump has is to maintain plausible deniability. How is this not a dereliction of duty? Who’s in charge of making decisions on threats against the country or American interests? What a disaster. Imagine if Obama had missed a couple of briefings they would have been screaming for impeachment for his inability to do the job. Buy it:  Happy When The Dm Smiles It’s Already Too Late Vintage Retro Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Refinetee – CusTom – T-Shirt